Department of History

Academic and Research Institute of Law


On 07/08/2022, as part of the implementation of the agreement on cooperation between Sumy State University and the Sumy Regional Museum of Local Lore, research staff of the Klochko Museum Zhanna Vyacheslavivna and Konotop Alina Anatolyivna held an online lecture for students-historians of Sumy State University of the IS-01 group, who are taking archaeological/ museum/archival practice.

Among other things, the following issues were covered: the goals, directions, and forms of activity of the museum institution, the regulatory and legal basis of this activity, fund collection, scientific and fund work, and cooperation of the museum with scientific and educational institutions of Ukraine.

All-Ukrainian multidisciplinary scientific and practical Internet conference “Modern science: theoretical and applied aspects”.

On July 31, 2022, Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of History of Sumy State University, Anatoly Goncharenko, took part in the VII All-Ukrainian Multidisciplinary Scientific and Practical Internet Conference “Modern Science: Theoretical and Applied Aspects”.

During the conference, the report “The Antilles in the colonial policy of France at the end of the 15th – 50s of the 16th century” was presented. A collection of theses of the reports will be published at the end of the conference.

Associate Professor of the Department of History of Sumy State University Anatoliy Goncharenko took part in the work of the International Scientific and Practical Conference “Relations between Ukraine and NATO at the present stage: achievements and challenges”

On June 2, 2022, Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of History of Sumy State University, Anatoly Goncharenko, took part in the work of the International scientific and practical conference “Relations between Ukraine and NATO at the present stage: achievements and challenges”, which was held by the National University of Bioresources and Nature Management of Ukraine. The co-organizers of this scientific forum were: Institute of History of Ukraine of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, National Pedagogical University named after M.P. Drahomanova, State Scientific Institution “Encyclopedic Publishing House”, Center for business innovation and transformation Akg Global Support Services (OPC) Pvt Ltd (India).

During the conference, the report “Great Britain, the “refugee crisis” of 2015-2017 and the migration policy of the European Union” was presented. At the end of the international conference, a collection of theses of the reports will be published.

The cooperation of the Department of History with the State Archives of Sumy Region

The cooperation of the Department of History with the State Archives of Sumy Region has been going on for more than a year. On the basis of the archive, classes for students of history were repeatedly held, which were attended by employees of this institution. SASR is a base for archival practice by our applicants. And on February 9, 2022, an agreement on cooperation was finally concluded between Sumy State University and the State Archives of the Sumy region.
We are confident that the cooperation between our institutions will be long, fruitful and will help to significantly improve the training of future historians.

We study the experience of our partners

The head of the Department of History Serhii Dehtiarov together with his Ukrainian colleagues during the visit to the Pedagogical University of Krakow on January 18-22, 2022 got acquainted with the experience of this institution. Many thanks for fruitful cooperation to the leadership of the University and the Institute of Political Studies and Management, Institute of History and Archival Science. Special thanks to Dr. Mateusz Kamionka.

Cooperation with Polish colleagues

January 20-21, 2022 in Krakow (Poland) hosted the International Scientific Conference “Europe after the Revolutions of 1989. Consequences of 1989 Transformations in Europe”. The event took place on the basis of the Pedagogical University of Krakow. Participants from Poland, Ukraine, Hungary, Romania, Turkey, Moldova, Slovakia, the Czech Republic and Albania delivered more than 80 reports.

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On November 25, the Holodomor victims of 1932-1933 were commemorated at the Branch Library № 17. The event was attended by Associate Professor of History Valery Mykolayovych Vlasenko with a speech in which he highlighted aspects of preparation for the publication of “National Book of Holodomor Victims. Sumy region”.

The meeting was also attended by the 2nd and 3rd year students of history department of Sumy State University.


The History Department employee Vitaliy M. Korol was trained at the VII International Summer Field Archaeological School during his annual leave. Archaeological excavations of the field archeological school took place at the Bilsk settlement, a unique monument of the Scythian period and the largest fortified settlement of the Early Iron Age in Europe with an area of over 5,000 hectares.

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Last week, second-year students majoring in History and Archaeology at Sumy State University had a happy opportunity to visit Sumy Art Museum named after N. Onatskyi. During the excursion they saw masterpieces of foreign and domestic painting of the XVI–XX centuries, for which the exposition of the institution is so rich. The students also received detailed information about these pearls of art from the guide. Impressions gained during the visit to the museum inspired future historians and archaeologists to effectively prepare for the attestation week.